Almost silent when running (37-41dB) - equivalent to the sound of a library | 低的工作噪音(37-41dB)-静若图书馆 |
4 transducer ports | 4个探头接口 |
Ambient lighting of transducer connectors and the peripheral housing bay | 探头接口照明及连接提示音 |
Integrated footrest | 一体化脚踏板 |
Integrated storage shelves | 一体化存储格 |
4 wheel swivel and swivel/brake lock control | 4个立旋转锁定万向轮 |
The most powerful architecture ever applied to ultrasound imaging | 强大的主机架构提供**的声图像 |
Proprietary nSight architecture - a totally new way to form ultrasound images - all without compromise. The combination of a new precision beamformer and massive parallel processing allow EPIQ 5 to receive and process an enormous amount of acoustic data allowing the system to focus down to the pixel level…all in real time. | 的nSIGHT技术-一个全新的毫无妥协的声图像技术。其包括全新的波束形成技术和海量的并行处理,从而使EPIQ5依次接收海量原始声学数据,允许系统进行实时的逐像素聚焦。 |
Exclusive adaptive ** to noise ratio that achieves system dynamic range of up to 320 dB for improved 2D | 有的自适应信号提高系统信噪比,2D动态范围高达320dB |
Sixteen core processing computer with 1 Tbyte hard drive and 4 GByte graphics display | 16内核CPU,1TB硬盘存储,4GB显存 |
Philips Next Generation SonoCT Real-Time Compounding, with Widescreen capability and up to 9 beam-steered lines of sight that acquires more information and reduces angle-generated artifacts | 飞利浦新一代SonoCT实时空间复合成像,可结合Widescreen扩展成像,支持高达9个偏转角度,从而获得多信息,减少因角度造成的伪像 |
Philips next generation XRES Adaptive Image Processing for noise and artifact reduction to improve tissue and border definition | 飞利浦新一代XRES自适应像素优化技术,抑制斑点噪声,提高组织边界显示 |
Fully independent, multiple mode Triplex operation | 立的多模式的实时三同步显示 |
Transducers | 探头技术 |
Advanced Compact connector technology offers pinless design for exceptional reliability and performance that feature: | 集成探头接口技术,采用无针设计提供优异的可靠性及图像质量 |
Ergonomic designs with lightweight flexible cables | 人体工程设计提供轻及柔软电缆 |
New low-loss technology for better penetration with fewer artifacts | 全新的低损耗技术提供好的穿透力 |
Breakthrough frequency bandwidths and array configurations | 颠覆的宽频带技术及晶体排列技术 |
Supports array configurations up to 18 MHz - sector, linear, curved, tightly curved, TEE and mechanical volume transducers | 提供高频率达18MHz探头,包括相控阵、线阵、凸阵、TEE、机械容积探头 |
Automation | 智能化 |
Designed with our most innovative tools to maximize efficiency | 性设计工具,大限度提高使用效率 |
Autoscan (real time iSCAN) automatically optimizes gain and TCG continuously to assure you are achieving an optimal image in 2D, 3D and 4D. | Autoscan (实时 iSCAN)自动持续优化图像增益及TGC,以保证你拥有佳的2D,3D及4D图像 |
SmartExam system-guided protocols with new features that include exam record and automatic mode switching to greatly improve workflow efficiencies | SmartExam( 扫查)技术引导检查流程,包括检查记录及自动模式切换,大提高检查效率 |
Vascular Auto Doppler flow optimization automatically adjusts color box position and angle, automatically adjust sample volume placement and angle. Also includes Auto Flow Tracking for automatic angle correction with sample volume movements | 血管AutoDoppler(智能多普勒)自动调节取样框位置和偏转方向、频谱取样容积位置及角度。包括实时自动血管追踪和自动角度校正 |
Vascular High-Q Automatic Doppler provides real-time tracking of Doppler **, automatically selecting the highest peak velocity and with the touch of a button, adding measurements to your report. | 血流HighQ自动多普勒测量提供一键实时包络多普勒信号、自动选择高峰值等测量,并将测量结果加入报告 |
Intelligent Tissue Specific Imaging | 智能组织特异性成像 |
Application-specific and user definable Quicktext Automatic Annotation | 与特异检查条件相关的自定义速自动注释词库 |
QuickSAVE User Defined Programs (up to 45 per transducer) | QuickSAVE速存储用户自定义检查条件(每探头高达45个) |